Achieving Planning Success at Industrial Estate

As well as providing planning advice for agricultural and other development projects in the countryside, Reading Agricultural Consultants also work with clients to achieve planning permission for more urban developments.
An example of such a development is the re-use of a distribution warehouse and offices in Walworth Business Park, Andover which had been vacant for a number of years. Our client was seeking to demolish the partially derelict offices, and then to redevelop and extend the existing warehouse building thereby re-establishing a new distribution centre at the site.
Although the planning application was uncomplicated in that the B8 Storage and distribution use of the site was already established, there were several factors which required careful preparation and management of the planning application to ensure a successful outcome.
Because of is prominent position in the business park, it was important to submit an application which paid due consideration to its location, with appropriate landscape information provided in the application and extensive landscaping scheme to mitigate any impacts.
Other issues including protected species, transport assessments and contaminated land assessments were also required to ensure that all issues were resolved before the application was determined.