Who doesn’t love a good farm park?
Tuesday 23rd January 2018 in EIA & Soils

By Rebecca Chiazzese, Associate with Reading Agricultural Consultants.
Having supported these types of developments through planning across the UK I always look forward to catching up with contacts at the National Farm Attractions Network (NFAN) annual conference and awards. This year we’re in Shropshire from 30th January to the 1st of February enjoying open days at local farm attractions before the Annual Dinner and Awards, then the main conference the next day.
I have been working with Colin Evans, the Chair of NFAN and owner of Cantref Adventure Farm in the Brecon Beacons National Park, for a couple of years now. I am supporting the planning application for a luge development which required an environmental impact assessment. I manage these assessments and have done for nearly 15 years but this is my first luge project, the first luge in the UK and the first in a National Park. So, what is a luge? Well, you climb aboard a luge cart and steer down the twists and turns of the luge track racing your friends and family using gravity alone.
For the luge planning application to be validated and determined by the Brecon Beacons National Park Authority an Environmental Impact Assessment was required to assess likely significant effects on the environment from the luge, from impacts such as traffic or on the landscape and tranquillity of the National Park. The application (ref 17/14934/FUL) was submitted late last year and we hope for a positive decision later this year.